Sunday, May 31, 2009


Dateline: Antigua (pronounced an-TEE-ga), English Harbour, Nelson's Dockyard for a brief spell, Dolphins accompanying us into Antigua. Baguettes from Isles des Saintes still fresh in the galley and Dominica (pronounced doe - mi - NEE - ka ) still fresh in our minds. Such contrast - Isles des Saintes, part of Guadeloupe, and both decidedly French, with boulangeries, and patisseries, and challenges to our distant use of ze language. Ou ay la twalette, sea vou play? Oy Vay. Dominica, decidedly poor economically, but a land of abundance and magic. Private waterfalls, fruit of every kind every where, a garden of eden. memo to Eve: any regrets about that pomme de terre?

And we are on our way back, via St. Kitt's, Nevis, probably St. Bart's, the Virgin Islands, then Puerto Rico, then ...before long the Karmela B, with cap'n & crew will be back in MA. will have a lot of catching up to do. Is Frank Sargent still governor?

until the blog bug bites again,
fair winds, good luck, best wishes, and don't forget to close the hatches,