Thursday, March 12, 2009

Getting Ready March 12, 2009

Roger and I are getting ready for the big sail to Grenada on Saturday. Charlie will be here this afternoon and after a day of getting to know the Karmela, we'll be off on a waning full moon and good seas. Exciting. We're getting the boat tuned and in ship shape for the 3 day voyage. 

We are in Nanny Cay in Tortola, having spent a couple of nights in Maho Bay on St John. The picture is of a nurse shark who just loved the moldy bread that I threw out of the boat. The shark had dinner and then came back for breakfast the next day-he loved the Healthy Choice whole wheat bread. 

Life is good.


  1. Here's a question: How can you know it's safe to swim and snorkel when there are weight conscious, fiber-o-philic sharks wanting to hang out with you? (Not that I'm nervous. I'm scared to death!) All is well here in non-existential land. Winter is loosening its grip, the morning chill transient. Kids are morphing. Actually, as I think of it, at our tender ages, David and I are morphing, too. God is good.

    Happy sails. Keep your life-jackets on. Watch out for sharks feigning friendliness.

    Love, Patty, David, and the blended brood

  2. Patty,

    Mary, Steve, Rog and I just read your comment!
    cap'n's comments: now i know where went my toes.
    oh well, we're just part of the food chain anyway.
    laura has just suggested a swim around the harbor.
    i can't go because my feet are just healing.
    morph on, dudes. And from the first mate: If those shark could find me, they'd have enough for the seder feast! All's well. Claire arrives Sunday, M&S leave tomorrow. It's been a great visit.
