Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Virgins; March 5

Roger and I are drinking home made root beer in Cruz Bay, St. John. It's pouring out and it's a nice change. We're biding our time until next Thursday, when sailor friend Charlie Chamberlain joins us for the 3 day trip to Grenada. Three days nonstop ocean. Roger's excited and I'm mixed. I'm looking forward to the experience but am also a bit daunted by it. 

John and Helen visited and were our first overnight guests. Once we got their head to flush, the accomodations significantly improved. We sailed together for 3 days and then they went off to spend the rest of the week on St. Thomas. They treated us to a wonderful dinner at Zuzu in St John the last night we were together. Roger got his hair cut in Red Hook. He was starting to have long hair ( at least in the back of his head), but no more.

Life seems to be getting up, swimming, eating stretching, admiring ocean, clouds, birds and islands, reading, drinking and then finding another problem with the boat and then going to a marina to get it fixed and so far thanking the heavens that nothing so far has been too serious. Roger is very tuned into Karmela, so he identifies problems quickly. He'll know this boat well by the end of this adventure.

Next blog will be from Grenada I imagine....yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roger and Laura,

    Odd I forgot all about the Head problem and just remembered the great sailing, wonderful dinners, and beautiful spots. Thanks so much for hosting us.
    Glad to hear the motor problem you were experiencing as we were leaving was nothing major.

    We are back home and back to work--aren't you feeling better already.

    Helen and John
