Monday, February 16, 2009

From Vieques to St Croix

Roger and I decided to leave Vieques after two nights and sail to St Croix. We left just after sunrise, as you can see, and arrived in St Croix at about 4:30 in the afternoon. We sailed for 6 hours and motored for 3. It was a rough, rainy, beat against the wind journey where we were exhausted and thoroughly nauseated. I wasn't scared, just worried that I hate sailing. The only fun was sitting on the trampoline in the pouring rain, yellow slicker on and guiding streams of water down our arms and back, bouncing like  jelly beans as we crashed through the waves.

Having now been in Christiansted, St Croix for almost 24 hours, I can attest that it was well worth it. We are in a safe anchorage with sting rays jumping out of the water and oyster catchers and herons nearby. We also have access to free internet. I think we may be beginning to get into the groove. This is a pastel town with welcoming people and great places to shop and eat. Ruby has settled in with Robin and Hana, so all is well.

Cap'n speaking:  no, not thoroughly nauseated - just moments of minor shoveling or mopping up req'd.  We're beginning to meet some most interesting folks - people who left the hurly burly hustle and bustle of business on the mainland for the more leisurely pace of island life....At this moment, with barely a cloud in the sky, there's a small white sail beginning to appear on the horizon...everything moves slowly unless the wind is 25 knots.  We're on the boat now-it's always moving, fast or slow, but always moving.

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