Tuesday, February 10, 2009

still not far from Fajardo

Well, let's see, we had a nice few days with Roger's mom, Margie. She wined and dined us around town and at the Conquistador. She also gave us a micro wave for the Karmela which makes making coffee a breeze(winds are currently on our minds). Good for her for getting on the boat and braving the seas and lines and sun!

Now we are bouncing back and forth from Isla Palominas and Fajardo for electrical concerns. I think the word is shake down. That's okay, every time we're back in Fajardo I can use the computer and stay in touch with Mary around Amanda's progress. It sounds like it will be today!

Isla Palominas is lovely, especially in the morning when boom boxes aren't blaring. The island is full of huge rabbits and has a nice trail to the top where you can see Culebra and Vieques and the Virgins. 

What do I do all day? Clean a lot (oy) read and stare out at the ocean. Roger putters with the boat. We swam and walked and ate grilled chicken with spanish rice after having scorched the pork beyond recognition.

It's really pretty. See the rainbow? Wow.

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