Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Rog and I are now on Vieques. Pretty sparse. A nice fellow in an inn is letting us use his Apple. I will make this brief. We spent last night off the south western coast of Vieques, having sailed from Isla Palomino. At that small island there were iguanas everywhere with white heads and orange legs hanging out in the trees. 

I have been in a small crisis for the past 2 days. I think I'm overwhelmed by the idea of being on this big sea and knowing so little about how to survive on it without Roger. So, I hope to turn the corner from feelings of utter incompetence to learning mode. I hope to learn some sailing abilities so I'm not so frighteningly dependent.

Other than that, the water is lovely and Roger and I seem to have launched this adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Roger and Laura,

    Fortunately Sandy and Abby are here and Abby walked me through the response mode for your blogspot. I got a kick out of many of the pics, from Mom at the helm to the general sense of the two of you at the beginning of this trip.
    Laura, I am glad to hear that you have shifted mental gears, without stripppping the gears and without having to put the boat in reverse. You have already begun the journey.

    Just keep those eyeballs open, and as I recall in int'l waters it is red right return.. then again. that is how Rob got his nickname of Rocky...

    Stay healthy and have fun.

