Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We made it

It is February 4th and we're in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. We left the day after Anna flew off to Buenos Aires. As you can see we brought many, many suitcases. What have we been doing? We've been spending a lot of money setting the Karmela up. I hope this stops soon or we'll be back in 7 weeks instead of seven months. We have been strolling the aisles of Walmart, West Marine,Grande supermarket, Bed Bath and Beyond and Sears. Days of pulling things off aisles and bringing flimsy bags of food, boat stuff and even a microwave back to the boat.  Our boat absorbs it all though and she's looking good.

We managed to sail out to Palomino Island yesterday and the sail was a perfect run. Wind behind us, smooth waters, aqua sea. It was nice. 

Margie Fox, Roger's mother is visiting for 4 days and we're trying to be entertaining with moderate success.  We'll go out to dinner soon and after she leaves, the eating out will be seriously cut back. 

I'm still not skinny. Roger is looking better, more relaxed although today he complained of being so parched he was fartin dust. Better go get a dust buster for the captain.     

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